Conveyor Rollers

Belt Conveyors
Powered , Non-Powered, or Custom Roller

Aakash Engineers specializes in manufacturing Conveyor systems and other Material Handling Equipment to help you run your business efficiently. The types of conveyors available with us are Belt Conveyors, Powered, Non-Powered, and Custom Roller Conveyors.

Safety Features used in Conveyor Belts:

infographic- conveyor roller safety tips
Conveyor Belts are the safest and most efficient way to move materials. It is widely used in many industries. However, it is highly important to consider safety precautions while using conveyors to prevent accidents. Some common safety features that are used are as follows:

  1. Emergency Stop Button: This allows the machine to be stopped on the click of a button in case of emergency.
  2. Safety Guards: These guards are placed around moving parts of the conveyor such as gears and pulleys, to prevent injury to the user.
  3. Speed Monitors: This device tracks the speed of the conveyor. It alerts the operator if the belt is moving too fast.
  4. Entrapment Devices: This device, placed along the conveyor belt, enables an emergency stop with the pulling of a cord or button. It is an option to stop the operation immediately for workers functioning at key points.
  5. Conveyor Belt alignment sensors: This sensor detects misalignment of the belt and stops the operation to avoid damage or injury.
  6. Belt Misalignment switch: The switch triggers an alarm or stops the belt in case of misalignment.
  7. Safety Signs and Labels: These signs and labels warn workers of potential hazards and provide instruction for the safe operation of the belt

It is essential to understand that employers need to train the operators on the safe usage of the conveyor. Regular maintenance, inspections, and employee training are mandatory to maintain safety at the workplace.

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