Few models of stackers are designed for outdoor usage. However, it is always suggestible to consider outside conditions, such as temperature and wpm before making a decision.
- Certified CompanyISO 9001:2005
Few models of stackers are designed for outdoor usage. However, it is always suggestible to consider outside conditions, such as temperature and wpm before making a decision.
The load capacity depends on the type and model of the stacker. However, typically manual stackers can lift up to around 500- 700 kgs, while powered stackers can lift up to 5000 kgs or more.
The main difference is the type of electrical power that they use. AC -alternating current stackers use electrical power that alternates in direction and voltage. AC motors are less expensive, but at the same time, they are less efficient and may require a larger motor size to achieve the same performance as DC motors. DC
A stacker helps to improve storage efficiency and organization. It helps to speed up the loading and unloading process, eliminating the need for manual labor. It enables to lift off heavy loads smoothly.
Depending on how they are powered, stackers can be divided into manual lifter stackers, semi-electric stackers (AC-operated), and Semi electric stackers ( DC Operated).
A stacker works by using a lifting mechanism to lift and lower the platform. The operator uses a lever to control the movement of the lifting mechanism. It helps the load to move up and down.
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